5 Signs Your Disorganization Is Impacting Your Life
Disorganization might not seem like a big deal, but having a disorganized home can drastically impact your life. Clutter will affect your mental health and your house can worsen as you accumulate more things. Here are a few signs that it’s time to get the disorganization under control because it’s negatively affecting your life.
1. Cluttered Appearance
If your home has already developed a cluttered appearance, it might be time to invest in closet organizers. According to The Simplicity Habit, disorganization causes about 80% of clutter in a house, not a lack of space. A cluttered appearance doesn’t mean it’s impacting you yet, but it’s a sign that it will soon. It’s best to organize your items before it’s too late. Professional design with closet organizers is a great place to start.
2. Anxious Feelings
Clutter can provoke feelings of anxiety or restlessness. That’s because a cluttered home can make you feel claustrophobic at times. You’ll feel stressed easier and find it harder to deal with daily things because the clutter is slowly taking over. If your mental health has been suffering lately and you can’t find a reason, it may be due to disorganization.
3. You’re Always Late
Being disorganized can make the simplest things, like getting ready, take longer. That’s because it’s harder to find matching socks or a shirt that matches the pants you want to wear. If you notice you’re always rushing to get ready and can’t find what you need, it’s time to get organized. Closet organizers are a wonderful solution to this problem.
4. No More Space
When your house or closet is exceptionally cluttered, it can feel like you don’t have room for what you should, like your shoes or handbags. Thinking that you don’t have ample space for things can be stressful and make you more disorganized. However, remember that being disorganized usually causes this, not running out of room.
5. Forgetting Everything
As disorganization and clutter make your mind more chaotic, you’re more likely to forget things. It’s common to forget important dates, like birthdays and anniversaries. You’ll struggle to remember where you put things. If you forget deadlines, this can impact your personal life, relationships, and even work.
Getting organized starts by tackling one spot at a time. The most common place to start is the closet. Contact us today to learn how we can help you de-clutter your house and mind!
Posted 8/14/23